Sydney's Premier Inground Concrete Swimming Pool Builders

Residential New Pools

New Pools Sydney Clovelly

A designer pool can solve any architect’s challenge.

This new build’s architect was committed to optimising every last millimetre of usable space on their client’s south Sydney building block. The development featured an open plan living, leisure and entertaining area with an integrated 1800cm wide lap pool squeezed in along one boundary.
The true potential of this new Clovelly home was realised when the site’s characteristics were fully integrated into the building’s design, and when all space and geo-tech issues were creatively overcome. The sandy site mandated that the concrete pool shell be integrated into the property’s screw piled footings. Sunset’s double formed 40MPA concrete construction technique and cleverly integrated automatic water management systems made this architecturally ambitious concept both achievable and practical.
Concertina doors open along the entire length of this family home’s contemporary indoor entertainment area, seamlessly integrating the living space with their Sunset swimming pool and garden. This Sunset lap pool converts otherwise redundant space between the residence’s family room and the property boundary, into a valuable lifestyle addition. Day and night the shimmering effect of reflected light is simply stunning.
Where many pool builders might consider this project simply ‘too hard’, Sunset Pools took the architect’s more challenging ideas in their stride. Under two metres wide this Sunset construction creates a practical nine metre swimming pool that could never have been considered achievable with any off-the-shelf pool building techniques.
The fully lined and epoxy grouted Trend tile interior helps reflects shimmering light into the adjacent living space. The pool’s natural stone coping and surrounds utilise the same materials as the residence’s interior flooring.
A mark of every Sunset pool’s pedigree is the inclusion of state of the art water management and sanitation systems. This pool features a fully automated salt water doseing process, plus digital sensors to keep the pH balance at optimum. The management and filtration systems operate silently with their controls hidden within a well concealed plant room. Architects recognise the challenge their schemes create and appreciate how a Sunset Pool’s approach always considers the pools relationship to the home’s architectural features, design and function in addition to its surroundings and the resident family’s needs.
What distinguishes Sunset’s exceptional designer swimming pools and spas, other than their high quality build and finish is that as a Sunset owner you have the reassurance of a 10 year guarantee.

Call Sunset Pools today to discuss your new and innovative design ideas on 1300 000 412 or complete the enquiry form right now.

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12/3 Clyde St, Rydalmere NSW 2116

1300 000 412

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