Cool pools and smart spas
Australian Smart Home Ideas magazine is a quarterly resource guide for home builders and renovators that among many technological innovations succinctly explains the benefits offered by automated pool filtration and sanitation, hydraulic management systems, underwater video cameras and audio systems plus advanced energy management technology.
Their special ‘Pool Party’ issue features cool pools and smart spas and showcases state of the art technologies in a feature article entitled “Pushing modern pool design right to the edge”. In this issue, the publication reviews Sunset’s integration of a landmark designer pool and spa into a Sydney residence’s C-bus home automation system.
Sunset Pools are renowned experts in all aspects of pool and spa technology innovation. Sophisticated control technology can virtually eliminate the monitoring and balancing procedures, automate sanitation, reduce chemical usage and make your pool and spa more economical to run, saving you thousands over the life of your largest fixed leisure asset.
Sydney, eastern suburbs. Wet edged infinity swimming pool and spa designIf you would like a copy of Australian Smart Home Ideas magazine’s featured Sunset Pools articles or some additional information on pool heating, spa hydraulics, automatic water monitoring and sanitation technology or the integration of your pool and spa management into your smart home automation system give Ben Thompson a call on 1300 000 412 or e-mail Sunset Pools at [email protected].